Monday, March 23, 2009

Collin's Kinz' School

We have some neighbors who are moving. They used to be big Webkinz fans but now, they don't really play with them. So they sent over a box of their Webkinz for us! Holly, Collin and I have each picked out our 4 favorites already and have been playing with them. This morning, Collin got up and went outside to the play set to do school. He actually brought his Webkinz with him and set up a little school! He even had kindergarteners(Lil'Kinz) on on one side and 1st graders(regular) on the other. He was in the middle as their school teacher! It was so adorable. My my mom took some pictures. And, believe it or not, he actually did do his work, too! It is so cute how he can go from airsofting with Tyler and Tyler's friends to playing with and feeding his Webkinz! Oh, about the feeding. When it was time for breakfast, he brought his Webkinz and put food in front of them for them to eat, too! So cUtE! :o p.s. you can see in the picture that the 1st graders are on the left and the kinders are on the right.

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