Friday, February 19, 2010

My Healthy Meal!

I am so proud of myself! I am trying to eat healthier, and today, this is what I had for lunch:

That is corn, green beans, spaghetti squash, cucumber, and baked potatoe(well, ok, I only took 1 bite of the potatoe becuase it tasted nasty) + an 8 oz. glass of water! I am also trying to drink more water. As it is, I drink about 2 cups a day. Maybe less on busy days. That doesn't exactly qualify as enough! I am trying to get in the habit of drinking a lot, because when Trek comes in June, I am going to need to drink a LOT more than what I am currently. Doesn't that picture above look so good? So healthy? So yummy? Yes, I do love veggies! Yum! Especially corn...:)
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1 comment:

Kirsti said...

how awesome! They say if you have a rainbow of colors on your plate, you are eating healthy! Good work :)